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Are you considering polishing a concrete floor or surface? You can polish most types of concrete. However, there are circumstances that give better results, such as the age of the concrete floor, how long it was set, and whether unique mixes were used in making the concrete.

In large buildings such as warehouses or storage facilities, polishing concrete ensures smooth travel and transportation of items. Large restaurants, cafeterias, and retail spaces use specific finishes to create a shine or sparkle effect when concrete is polished. It’s essential to ensure the concrete surface is prepared beforehand.

The surface should be free of oily spills such as grease or waxy substances. Concrete flooring should be smooth and not bumpy or wavy, as this will require further preparation to level the flooring before polishing. Grinding the flooring is one of the easiest ways to remove any adhesives, paints, and other coatings on the concrete so you can begin with a clean slate.

It’s also essential to allow the concrete to set at least one month (28 days) at minimum before any treatment is applied, as this may impact the overall results of the concrete’s appearance and smoothness. If the concrete flooring is porous and cannot be adequately prepared for polishing, then it may not be an excellent option to consider.

Alternatively, you may want to consider other flooring covers or options when polishing concrete isn’t a feasible choice. High-quality concrete is the best candidate for polishing treatment, as other types of concrete, including uneven surfaces and other irregularities that cannot be repaired, will only complicate the process and cost more in the long term.

Nick Shushan

Epoxy Flooring Expert and the CEO of NYC Epoxy Flooring.
You can call Nick : 917-306-3626

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